My Pregnancy

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Friday, July 24, 2009


Jeremiah's mother, Dixie went into the hospital (Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center) on Friday to have a pain pump removed they were having here spend the night so Clyde stayed the night with us. Saturday they kept her in the hospital for observation. Sunday morning the nurse called Jeremiah to let him know that she was acting a little "loopy". Clyde had just left to see her when they called and when he got home he confirmed this and said that she was threading the blanket through her fingers and kept sitting up and grabbing at things that were not there. Clyde went downstairs to take a nap and Dr. Cache called Jeremiah and told him that Dixie had a Subderal Hemotoma (which basically means that there is blood on the outer layer of the brain)and that they needed to get her in to surgery ASAP to drain it. So, Jeremiah called his brothers and we headed to the hospital to wait for her to come out of surgery. John came up and was there in about 20 minutes although he lives in Pocatello, I think he drove about 120 mph! Blair said that if anything went wrong in the surgery that he could be here in 8 hours. She came out of surgery and they told us that she would be in the ICU for 5-7 days and would probably be sedated that entire time. They also told us that there could be a chance for some brain damage although older people usually do better when this happens to them because their brains have started to shrink so the blood has more room to go before it starts causing damage from the pressure.
Clyde gave her a blessing that evening and she was not looking so good when we left. Monday she was doing better but they told us that they would not know more for awhile. Tuesday she was awake and no longer intubated but Clyde said that she didn't recognize a lot of the people that came to see her and when Jeremiah went in to see her she introduced Clyde to him. They also discovered that she had MERSA again so everyone that goes to see her must be fully gowned and wear a mask. Wednesday she was not able to finish her sentences and was getting frustrated with that but today Clyde said that was much better so each day seems to see an improvement with her health and we continue to pray for her each day that she will continue to get better and be able to come home.
We love you Dixie!


Jake and Laura Eames said...

Here's praying that all will continue to go well or that you all will be comforted by God's will! You and your family are in our prayers!!

David and Melissa Belnap said...

Oh my gosh...I am so sorry! We will say our prayers for her! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!