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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

bye bye....

Some new things that Wren is doing.....

Wren is soooo cute and is developing such a cute personality. She really thinks that everything she does is hilarious and laughs at herself all the time. When she gets tired she will lay down on the floor and then pop her head up, look at us and laugh. When it is time to go to bed or sometimes if we ask her to, she will wave byebye! I love it!! It has to be one of my favorite things so far! I am not sure if I have posted this, but she started crawling the week before Christmas. Now she is just into everything. I have had to tie the cupboards shut because she likes to open the one under the sink and try to eat everything under there. GROSS! So, until Jeremiah can get the baby-proofing done in the kitchen, we are using ribbon!

Jeremiah has started his new job at Regis as of today. He is the manager and is really excited about it. I am happy that he no longer "has" to work on the farm but am sad that he is having to work 40 hours a week :( that means that combined with his two days that he goes to school he will be working the other 5 days of the week. That sucks! Hence the ribbon in the kitchen~

Life has been really good for us lately, we reconnected with some old friends this last weekend and it was nice to visit with them and see their little girl, she is a charmer! We will have to plan to do something else with them soon (hint hint wink wink!).

1 comment:

Jake and Laura Eames said...

Anytime darlin', I realized the other day that I miss your friendship. We always did have a good time together. I am happy to have reconnected. Wren is such a doll by the way! We truly are blessed with sweet beautiful daughters.