My Pregnancy

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Cute Stuff!

Wren has such the cute personality lately. I can't believe how big she has gotten and the joy that she brings into our lives. I find that everyday she is doing something that shows me how she is growing and maturing. I love the stage that she is in right now, she can play independently very well but would much rather have me or dada or ANYONE play with her. She can feed herself, but not very well as you can see from my previous post. She says SO many words and will try to say anything that you ask her to! All in all, I love this baby! She is my world.

The next two pictures are the day after Christmas when we were getting the tree put up and the living room put back together. The chair was in her bedroom and while we were trying to get it out of her room and into the living room, she decided she would "help" by sitting on the back of it! It was quite cute and if you can't tell, she thinks she is all that also! Oh, and she is holding the "puppy" that Grandma and Grandpa Martin got her for Christmas.

This picture, she had gone through a huge drawer full of toys and pulled out all of her "tools". She then told me that she was "all done" and shut the drawer! So SMART!

Wren did not even know that I was taking this picture! She was watching a Little Einstein video with her "shoosh-shoosh" (juice), "quackers" (crackers/pretzels/cookies), nie-nie (blanket), and baby. Just relaxin'! I love it!

1 comment:

Jake and Laura Eames said...

So cute! She makes me laugh and I interested to see what # 2 looks and acts like. Hope she gets feeling better soon!