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Monday, January 3, 2011

Harry Potter November 2010

When the previous Harry Potter movie came out (book 6) I told Drew that if he read the books I would take him. He read the book so I invited him and Jaxon to my house and we had an all night movie marathon of the first five then we went to an afternoon showing the next day. Jaxon fell asleep so I told him he was not allowed to go to the next one!

Of course I gave in and invited him to go to the next one and also invited Bella since she had seen some of the older movies and was having Valerie read her the books.

I asked Drew and Jaxon to make a list of the candy and pop that they wanted at the all night movie and this is the list that they made for me:

I love it! We all stayed up really late - I was amazed that Bella made it as long as she did! I'm pretty sure that she stayed up later than the boys - they took "power naps" during a couple of the films and we got through movie 5 before everyone went to bed! We woke up "early" the next morning and watched movie 6, then went to Drew and Jaxon's basketball game at noon, then went to the afternoon movie. It was a lot of fun, stressful, but fun! I'm excited to do it all over again when the next and final movie comes out next summer!

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