I know it has been forever since I have updated this blog. That usually just means that I am happy and don't have anything to complain about! :) Life has been super busy and having two kids is crazy! I don't know how my mom did it with SEVEN!
Memphis is a fantastic baby. He is so mellow and easygoing. He endures all of the love that Wren gives to him. He loves to smile and laughs at everybody. He likes it when I "throw" him up in the air, that will almost always get a smile/laugh out of him. He has not yet rolled over. He just doesn't care!!! He is just as happy being laid on his tummy as he is on his back. He usually just falls asleep. Crazy kid! :) I lost my milk with him as well, at about the same time as I did with Wren. Happily he is doing well on formula and getting so big. I think he has more rolls on him than Wren ever has and I would say he is still on the small end. We are loving him a LOT and are very thankful that he is such a good natured kiddo! Memphis went trunk or treating as a monkey this year. We borrowed the costume from Aunt Valerie!
Wren is getting so big and talks non-stop. It's usually really cute. She also loves to sing and sings to Memphis a lot of the time. She loves ANYTHING Disney Princess or Tinkerbell. She still loves bath time and likes it when I put Memphis in the bath with her so she can "help". She has started to say that she is "scary" which means that she is scared. She is to the point that she wants to do everything by her self. She always tells me "MY TURN". On one hand, it's so nice... on the other hand, she gets frustrated when she can't do it but she doesn't want help even when she can't do it. Sometimes there is a lot of yelling on both sides for that reason! Wren LOVES waffles for breakfast. Sometimes we have frozen waffles and sometimes we have microwaved eggs that I put peanut butter and syrup on and she calls both of them waffles! She's so funny! She likes to tell you what all kinds of animals say. She will also tell you that Elmo says "lalalala, Elmo's World" and that Papa (Mike) says "kisses". I'm trying to teach her that mommy says "NO,NO!" but she hasn't caught on to that one yet! The other day I asked her if she was a starvin marvin and she said "No, I'm starving Wren!" She's way to smart for her own good! Wren went trunk or treating as a ladybug this year. I made her tutu and borrowed a ladybug print jacket from my mom.
I have put Memphis and Wren in the same room and they are doing so good together. Wren doesn't even wake up anymore when I go in to feed him before I go to bed at night (usually between 2 and 4 a.m.) and they sleep until between 9:30 and 11 a.m. so I would say that is pretty darn good! Wren has not yet tried to crawl into the crib with him so I would say that is another large accomplishment. The front of the crib curves out (like a sleigh bed) so that deters her from that direction, but I think she could get in from the side if she really tried. I think she just remembers that I used to put her in there as a punishment so there's no way she is getting in there voluntarily! :) I love that girl!
Jeremiah got a job driving water truck in the oil fields of North Dakota with a company called North Fork Oil. He will be gone for 4 weeks at a time, then home for 1 week. He left on 10/16 and will be gone for 7 weeks this time. 3 for training and 4 "regular" weeks. It is so hard here without him. Wren misses him like crazy and there aren't enough words to describe how much I need him. Today is our anniversary. Our TEN year anniversary. I can't believe that it has been that long. It seems so short a time and yet looking back, we have grown so much both as a couple and as individuals. So, today is already a rough day and it hasn't even officially started! I don't want to be alone today, of all days :( but I am trying to be strong! I am even going to try not to cry in front of Wren! I am trudging along being a mom and loving that I get to be at home to raise my kids. They are my greatest joy even though raising them is my greatest trial at times also! The good times are definitely worth the trying times though so I'll take it!
I'll try to do better on my blog!
4 years ago
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