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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Groundhog Day...

Earlier today, Jeremiah and I were talking about what we did today and I told him that sometimes I feel like I am in that movie, Groundhog Day. Don't get me wrong, I completely enjoy being a mom and everything that goes along with that but there are times that it gets super monotonous and the routine that is necessary to stay sane sometimes drives me to insanity!

For instance, most days this is what my day looks like: I get Wren up, change her diaper, feed her, play with her, feed her, put her down to sleep, clean up her toys, get ready for the day then do laundry/dishes/clean the house, get Wren up, change her diaper, feed her, play with her, feed her, put her down to sleep, clean up her toys, get dinner started then do laundry/dishes/clean the house, get Wren up, change her diaper, feed her, play with her (usually this is when Jeremiah gets home and I can have some me time to relax and take a bath or read a book or check my email!), feed her and put her to bed. Then I have to turn my brain off and try to sleep but it usually takes several hours for me to unwind enough to get to sleep and sometimes end up falling asleep on the couch and waking up later to go to the bedroom.
Now, please don't think that I am complaining about any of this. I am just observing that this is the way that my life is "organized" right now. I love Wren and love that I get to stay at home and be a mom to her. I love Jeremiah and the effort that he puts in to being a great dad, husband and provider for us. He is so busy with work and school but always finds time to make sure that his girls know that he loves them. It is so cute to see how much Wren loves her daddy and the other way around. I hope that never changes and that they always have a special relationship and bond.


Jake and Laura Eames said...

I love it!! So true! I feel the same way and sometimes I just need an out! If you need one I am always here! I love seeing daddies with their babies too! Jeremiah is a good daddy and Wren really does love him and you! Jake is the same way I am so grateful that I have him and that I get to stay home too but it does get a little stagnant!

David and Melissa Belnap said...

Oh that is so very true! I am with ya! I remember feeling like the walls were closing in on me a few times! Now....NO TIME FOR THAT!! Haha! I would give anything to go back to that "un-complicated-ness!" Now I feel like if I get a shower and my hair done amidst the constant messes, and "Mom...Mom...Mom...Mom" then I am doing good!!! I love your posts!! Anytime you want to let me practice on little Wren....I will do it! I just got a rockin' old chair that would be way cute with a big flower bow or cute old hat....we could try some way fun stuff! :) Let me know!

Trevino Fam said...

This is just what I was thinking today as I was cleaning buggars out of the back seat of my van! I just wrote about it too! How funny - it is good to know other moms feel the same way.