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Friday, July 3, 2009

Daddy and HIs Girl

I don't think that Jeremiah likes this kid at all, can you tell from the look on his face?

Can you tell that they are related?? They have the EXACT same look on their faces :) It's so cute!!

This was the result of their "play time" together! Man, I love her smile!

Jeremiah is a great dad. He loves to do the fun things with Wren that make her smile and he is also willing to do the "yucky and not so fun" stuff also, like changing her diaper. He also feeds her a lot of the time and likes to help get her ready for bed and give her baths (which really is one of the fun things to do because she loves it so much!). I really appreciate all that he does to help me with her and I am so glad that he truly enjoys doing these things as well. I also appreciate all that he does around the house, he tries to help out with the dishes and he is always taking out the trash without having to be asked (mostly!!). He will also pitch in and do whatever I ask him to do. He has also given up his "shop" for the past two years for us (me, my mom and Valerie) to store "garage sale" items in for when we annually have a garage sale. Hopefully this will be the last year that he has to suffer through that!

Today was the last day of the summer semester for Jeremiah and I am so proud of him for sticking with it and giving it all that he has. I know that school can be really hard and I am glad that he has decided to do this. It has caused a massive hiccup in our finances, but I know that in the long run it will be worth it. There have been a lot of sacrifices and one major sacrifice is about to come up for Jeremiah when he has to put a "For Sale" sign on his motorcycle and I hope that he can remember that it is all "for the greater good" (that's a Harry Potter reference in case anyone cares!).

I love you Jeremiah!
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