Okay, so I went to the Dr. on Monday and was checked by the PA. She told me that I was STILL thick and closed so there was little chance that anything was going to happen without them helping mother nature along. She was going to talk to Dr. Hall about inducing me this weekend because although he is out of town for the week he was going to be back on Friday night or Saturday morning, depending on when he decided to drive back from Salt Lake. So Monica (the PA) said that she would talk to him. They would have me come in the night before they started to induce me so that they could get my cervix ripened with Cervitol then they would start the IV of Pitocin the next morning. Or so that is what I understand. The downside of all of this would be if the Cervitol does not work to ripen my cervix. Then they would end up doing a c-section. As Monica stated "Once you come in and we try to start you, you are definitely leaving with a baby".
So, Monica said that she would get back to me by Thursday. Thursday morning I got a phone call and she said that she had finally been able to Dr. Hall and he does not feel comfortable starting me so soon.... He is afraid that if he starts me this weekend that I will end up with a c-section and so he would like to give it the extra couple of days to see what my body does on its own.
So, I was pretty upset and depressed today because I really don't want to have to wait all the way until the next weekend but the only other day during the week that he 'induces' is on Wednesday, which is April fools day. Which by the way, everyone but me thinks that this is just "Awesome". Yeah, it's awesome for all of us, but what about her, I would HATE to have my birthday be on April fools!!!
Anywho, so I have an appointment on Monday afternoon and we will have to decide what we are going to do by then... Until then I guess that I will just have to pull myself together and hope that I can get a good nights sleep between now and when she is born since those will probably be out the window once she is born!
4 years ago
WOW! How upsetting. Do you need me to bring a half gallon of girl scout cookie ice cream over? Like the doctor said, you don't want to push yourself. That's what I did with Abs (got induced early before my body was ready) and I still delivered vaginally however, it was VERY long and they had to keep pushing the pit. I am on your side about the birthday, but it would be hard to wait for another whole week.
Oh Shauna!! I am crazy sorry for you!! I swear she is waiting for some warmer weather!! Who wants to some out of a nice warm place to this crappy idaho trick weather!! Good luck....and keep us posted!
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