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Thursday, April 30, 2009

4 week doctor's appointment

SOOO serious!

Wren had her 4 week checkup at the doctor's office today and it was very sad for both of us! She had to get her heel pricked so that they could do the PKU and she just cried and cried. It really hurt my heart, I don't like to hear her whimper, let alone cry. I know that they say that you can't spoil a baby this young and it is a good thing because otherwise, this girl would be so spoiled! 99% of the time, whenever she makes any little noise me or Jeremiah go and pick her right up!!

She weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces today, up almost a full pound since her last appointment 2 weeks ago! The only thing that I have had concerns about is her spitting up after every feeding. I talked to the doctor about it and he said that he would not worry about it unless she was not gaining weight properly (obviously, that is not an issue) or if it seemed to bother her (also not an issue, I think that she enjoys having her clothes changed 30 times a day!) so I feel better about that.

She also got a bath today and is doing much better with that also. I do make the water a little warmer than what the temp. gage on her bath spongee thing says to because it just seems so cold to me and she turns purple and mottled in the cold! She also seems to do better when the water is a little warmer! She does give me dirty looks the entire time, but at least she is not crying! I can deal with the dirty looks! :)
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1 comment:

David and Melissa Belnap said...

Shauna, she is absolutely adorable!!! I love reading about all of her accomplishments!! Aiden didn't care for the bath at first took him a good 4 months to actually appreciate it, now I can't talk him out of the bath!! That is soooo great that she slept a whole 8 hour stretch!!! What a good baby!! I bet you felt like you could conquer the world after a whole 8 hours of sleep!! Its funny how you get used to not sleeping and then when they do sleep longer than usual, it scares the crap out of you!! Aiden is 18 months old, and I still find myself sneaking in his room every once in a while to check if he is still breathing!! Moms.....we are paranoid!! You really can't spoil a baby that fact enjoy that!! I miss that part.....:) Next time I go to Leos....I will drop by and snuggle her!:)